Week 2 Learning - Camp book activities started. Great writing in Rm 17.

Students getting camp updates! Exciting!!!

Check out a descriptive pieces of writing. The students were given pictures from a travel magazine & using their five senses, had to imagine they were in the picture and describe all of the details. Great work Room 17.

In My Town of Magic - by Elijah

In my town of magic I see the beautiful reflection of rustic lit-up buildings in the sparkling waters of a crystal blue lake

In my town I see magic floating through the air. It's ancient charm fills people with a rush of excitement.

My town of magic is filled with boats hovering over their own glistening reflections, their masts tall and straight, and rows of squished buildings looking over the small busy markets.

In my town of magic the small busy people are going about their day. It makes my heart soar like it has wings of an angel.

I'll go sailing in my town and have a jolly good time!


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